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Team Manager

I have worked for Brighter Futures for 11 years now, after qualifying as a social worker in 2001. Prior to coming to BF, I worked in child protection, commissioning teams, and adoption. Brighter Futures is a team that is established; we have five team members within the leadership team who have worked for BFS for over five years. This has meant that both foster carers and SSWs always have someone to reach out to who knows them and their foster children well. We work towards long-term matching as a team and pride ourselves on ensuring longevity for our children. We are a team that learns from our mistakes rather than get consumed by blame. Our achievement in acquiring Outstanding this year is a testament to everyone’s commitment and dedication. We have a registered manager who prides herself in promoting individuality and personal growth in each person and I hope she continues to lead by example as she has always.

Find out if you could be a foster carer
Find out if you could be a foster carer
In a few simple questions, you’ll know if you’re suitable to apply to become a foster carer.