
Fact! You can offer specialised fostering if you have specialised skills – Parent /Child/Disabilities

Monday 24 July 2017

As a foster carer with specialist skills and training you are able to offer support to a child that requires these skills.

Some of the areas you could develop into are:-

Parent and Child Placements – This involves taking a parent or parents and their child/ren into your home. This type of fostering involves supporting women who are pregnant or a parent who may be experiencing difficulties with their baby and helping them to develop their skills.

Start your fostering journey today

Children/Young People with Learning or Physical Disability – Support these children/young children to develop their full potential

Children/Young People with complex behavioural problems – Looking after children/young people with complex or challenging behaviours

Remand Fostering – Children and young people who are fostered on a remand to care basis will be looked after in a family environment, pending court dates for an offence they are alleged to have committed. This provides an alternative to them being held in custody or a secure unit.

Bridging Placement – A short term arrangement in which the foster carer prepares the young person for the transition into long term adoptive care.

If you would like to discuss further please contact us on 0845 688 4899.
