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What is fostering?
Who can foster a child?
Fostering with a disability
Fostering FAQs
Respite Care Fostering
The Process of Fostering
When you are ready to begin your journey we have advice on the steps required and a simple questionnaire to help you.
Types of Foster Care
Becoming a foster carer
Can I Foster?
Why become a foster carer
Being a foster carer is one of the best jobs you can have. But, there are many other benefits. Find out what they are.
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Can I Foster? Non London
Do you have a spare room?
Yes I do
No I don't
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Great! Our foster children need their own private space. You need to be sure that no-one in your extended family - like a grown-up child at university - considers your spare room to be theirs.
Our foster children need their own private space. If you’re planning to move to a larger property, sign up for our updates and keep in touch with us that way.
Are you aged 21 or over?
Yes I am
No I'm not
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Fantastic! You need to be at least 21 to be a foster carer. You might also like to know there’s no upper age limit for being a foster carer, as long as you remain in good health.
If you’re approaching your 21st birthday, you can start enquiring to be a foster carer now. Get in touch and talk it over with one of our fostering advisers, or sign up for our updates and keep in touch with us that way.
Do you have the right to work in the UK?
Yes I do
No I don't
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That’s good to know. We will need to see your documentation when you start your application to be a foster carer.
Sorry, this means we can’t approve you for fostering. We invest heavily in our foster carers through training and support, and it’s vital we know the foster children in your care will have long-term stability. If your status is pending approval, get in touch with us once you have confirmation. Consider signing up for our updates and keep in touch that way too.
Have you fostered before?
Yes I have
No I haven't
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That’s great! We welcome foster carers who bring skills and expertise. Joining us will give you greater opportunity to grow into your role and explore your potential
That’s fine! You don’t have to have experience of fostering to join us. We will train you and support you in your role, and help you gain experience and reach your full potential.
Are you currently fostering a child?
Yes I am
No I'm not
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That’s OK. If you’re fostering through another agency or a local authority, you can still transfer to us. Why not get in touch with one of our fostering advisers and find out more.
That’s good to know. If you’re registered to foster with another agency or a local authority, you can transfer to us easily. Get in touch with one of our fostering advisers and find out more.
Do you know anyone in your current family or social circle who is currently or has previously been a foster carer?
Yes I do
No I don't
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That's great! Talking to foster carers can be a great way to learn more about what fostering is like, whether it's right for you and to build your support network.
That's okay. There are many resources available to help you learn more about fostering. You can talk to our fostering advisors and community of foster carers, we'll be with you every step of the way.
Do you have any children of your own?
Yes I do
No I don't
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That's great! Talking to foster carers can be a great way to learn more about what fostering is like, whether it's right for you and to build your support network.
That's okay. There are many resources available to help you learn more about fostering. You can talk to our fostering advisors and community of foster carers, we'll be with you every step of the way.
Are they currently living at home with you?
Yes they are
No they aren't
Having your children at home is a great start! Fostering often enriches family life, and we’ll support you in creating a positive balance that meets the needs of everyone in your home.
That’s perfectly fine! Fostering can bring new energy and purpose to your home. With support from our team, you’ll feel prepared to welcome a young person into a comfortable, caring environment.
Are you a homeowner?
Yes I am
No I'm not
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OK - you don’t have to be a homeowner to foster, though it’s an indicator of how well settled you are.
No problem. If you’re not a homeowner and you’re renting your home, it won’t prevent you from becoming a foster carer. We will need to get your landlord’s permission, but we find they rarely have an issue with it.
Are you applying for yourself or is this a joint application?
Yes I am
No I'm not
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You don’t have to be married or in a civil partnership to be a foster carer, but it’s nice to know. If you’re in a same sex relationship, this is fine too - it won’t stop you fostering.
Don’t worry. You don’t have to be married or in a civil partnership to become a foster carer. If you’re dating or single, that’s perfectly fine. If you’re LGBT+, that’s fine too.
Do you currently work full time?
Yes I do
No I don't
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You can work if you are a foster carer, but there are restrictions. The primary carer must be a stay-at-home carer or a part-time, flexible worker so they are available for the child’s needs, including meetings and appointments.
That’s ideal. You can work if you are a foster carer, but only in part time, flexible work. You can also foster if you’ve taken retirement or you’re drawing a pension, whether you work part time or not.
Do you plan on fostering being your full time career?
Yes I do
No I don't
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That's great! Full-time foster carers provide stability and consistency for children, which is essential. We'll support you to meet their needs.
That's okay. You can also foster part-time or flexibly. We work with you to find the best arrangement for your family.
Do you have experience working with, or caring for, children in a professional or organised capacity?
Yes I do
No I don't
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Great! You clearly enjoy working with and caring for children and your previous experience will help your application move along nicely.
Not having experience won’t necessarily stop you from becoming a carer - and we do offer first class free training. In your application, you’ll simply need to show us that you understand what is expected of you and that you have the skills to meet the challenges.
Do you currently or have you previously worked in any of the following areas: Social Care, Education, or Health Sector.
Yes I have
No I haven't
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Great! Working in any of these roles shows that you have experience working with people and caring for others. This will be an asset to you as a foster carer.
That's perfectly fine. Not all foster carers have experience working in these roles. We will provide you with the training and support you need to be a successful foster carer.
Have you been in a position previously that carried a DBS check and passed?
Yes I have
No I haven't
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That's great! Having a DBS check shows that you're committed to working with children and young people safely. We'll still need to get you a new DBS check as part of the fostering process, but this shows that you're already on the right track.
That's perfectly fine. We'll need to get you a DBS check as part of the fostering process, but this is just a routine check that we carry out for all of our foster carers. It's nothing to worry about.
Have you ever had a job where you've had to deal with challenging behaviours (adult or children)?
Yes I have
No I haven't
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Great! Dealing with challenging behaviours is an important skill for foster carers to have. Your experience will help you to understand and support foster children who may be struggling with their behavior.
That's fine. Foster carers come from all walks of life, and not everyone has experience dealing with challenging behaviors. We will provide you with training and support to help you develop the skills you need.
Do you have pets?
Yes I do
No I don't
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We’ll do a safety assessment of pets in your home. Please note, if you have dogs requiring registration under the Dangerous Dogs Act, you won’t be approved for fostering.
That’s fine! If you consider getting a pet in the future, talk to your supervising social worker, who can advise you.
Do you have a criminal record?
Yes I do
No I don't
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OK - you won’t be automatically discounted for fostering if you have a criminal record. The best advice is to get in touch and talk it over confidentially with one of our fostering advisers.
That’s good to know. As part of the process, we will still get you a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) and we will pay for this.
Do you have a disability?
Yes I do
No I don't
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Having a health problem or disability won’t automatically exclude you from being a foster carer. Everyone’s situation is different. Our foster carers undergo a health check, which we pay for. If you’re concerned, get in touch and talk it over confidentially with one of our fostering advisers.
That’s good to know. Our foster carers undergo a health check, which we pay for. If you do develop a health problem or disability while you’re a foster carer, it won’t automatically exclude you from fostering - everyone’s situation is different. But for now, you can proceed with your application on this basis.
Great - just one last step
Your answers show you might be a good candidate for fostering. Your next step is to chat with a fostering advisor, who will be to talk you through all aspects of becoming and being a foster carer.
Thanks for your answers - what's next?
Your answers show you don’t quite meet our criteria to become a foster carer, but you might do in the future. Don’t give up - enquire now and we'll be in touch to answer your questions
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