Find out if you could be a foster carer
In a few simple questions, you’ll know if you’re suitable to apply to become a foster carer.
The National Fostering Agency‘s rock painting and treasure hunting initiative is encouraging supporters to start painting, hiding, sharing and finding rocks and stones with the #BeMyRock tag on the back.
By joining our #BeMyRock Facebook group, and sharing pictures of your hides and seeks, you will be helping to raise awareness of the need in the UK for an increasing number of reliable fostering caring ‘rocks’ for the 77,000+ children currently needing care.
Join us for this Pebble Painting (and Fostering Information) drop-in, where there’ll be plenty of rocks, materials, inspiration and help on hand from some of our local foster carers.
Free, although voluntary donations towards our partner charity Place2Be most welcome 🙂