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7 Tips for Christmas on a Budget

Monday 07 November 2022

With prices sky-rocketing and many of us worrying about paying for essentials like the weekly food shop or heating our homes, Christmas just around the corner might seem less of a cause for celebration than normal this year.

This can be particularly true for families with children, who might be worrying about how to sprinkle a little magic over the festive season while keeping a tight grip on their bank balance. If this is you, or if you would simply like to keep Christmas costs under control, this blog is for you..

  1. Presents don’t have to cost a fortune

It’s a bit of a cliché but some of the best things in life really are free. If you’re looking to save money this Christmas, spend time thinking about the people you love and ask yourself whether there are things you could do for them that don’t cost much (or any!) money – whether it’s breakfast in bed, a walk to look at their favourite view or time to themselves so they can sit and read a book. If you’re artistic, why not design a Christmas gift pledge with details of what their present consists of? (And, of course, make sure you remember to fulfil their gift when the time comes!)

  1. Bag a bargain

Keep your eyes peeled between now and the big day for bargains and discounts. As well as the main high street stores, remember to check out charity shops, discount stores and online sites like eBay (although you need to allow for shipping costs and times and be aware of any postal strikes coming up).

  1. Be creative

We understand how hard it can be when children want a particular item that is outside your price bracket, but the magic of Christmas doesn’t have to come with a price tag. Going to look at the festive lights, heading off for a winter walk or making your own Christmas cards and mince pies are all fun ways to celebrate. This nice little website allows you and your children to track Santa’s progress from 1 December onwards.

  1. Don’t overbuy food

Many of us tend to overbuy food at Christmas (and can end up eating turkey sandwiches for days!). Buying only as much food as you need will not only save you money, it will reduce waste which is good for us and for the planet.

  1. Consider choosing cheaper brands

In taste tests, many people either couldn’t tell the difference between premium and lower-priced products or they actually preferred the cheaper ones, so why not shop around for economy brands?

  1. Make your own gifts and cards

As a culture, we have largely lost the tradition of making festive gifts and cards which is a shame as so many of us really love to receive something homemade, particularly from our children and foster children. Why not arrange some family crafting days over the next few weeks when you all sit down together and make gifts and cards to give to loved ones at Christmas?

  1. Set a price limit

We love the idea of setting a price cap on Christmas gifts. This Festive Fivers article contains some great ideas and, with so much focus on price hikes this year, it could be really helpful to challenge yourself and your loved ones to search out gifts for £5. Even better if you can support local shops and artisans while you’re at it. Check out this page from for more great ideas for Christmas on a budget.

Once you start thinking about ways to celebrate Christmas without spending a fortune, it’s amazing what you can come up with. You could even turn it into a game. Why not sit around the table together with hot chocolate and invite everyone in the family to come up with fun festive things to do that are cheap or best of all free?! Who knows, you might even create some new Christmas traditions that you’ll want to roll out year after year.

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