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Fostering Fortnight – Could You Open Your Home to Siblings

Friday 27 May 2016

Fostering Fortnight – Could You Open Your Home to Siblings

Fostering fortnight is an annual event which aims to highlight the importance of foster care throughout the UK. It also acts as one of the biggest recruitment drives for the foster care sector. This fostering fortnight, we’re asking if you could open up your home to siblings.

While there are plenty of foster families willing to take on one child, many are unsure about taking on children with brothers and sisters. This means thousands of siblings are split up, which often adds to the initial trauma of entering into the foster system.


Why foster siblings?

Research has shown keeping siblings together has a positive impact on their well-being. Figures show that around 81% of siblings are separated once they enter the foster system. While many are still able to visit their siblings, it isn’t the same as being able to continue to grow together in the same home environment.

While not everyone has a positive relationship with their siblings, research carried out estimates that the majority do name their brother or sister as their best friend in adulthood. Being taken into care can be a traumatic experience for any child. If siblings are then forced apart, it can be devastating.

Start your fostering journey today

By taking in siblings together, you’ll be helping to make a significant difference in their lives. You’ll develop a stronger bond with the children and they’ll adjust a lot more quickly into their new surroundings if they have at least one thing that’s familiar.

When you become a foster parent, you do so to change the lives of the children who come into your care. With siblings you’ll be changing not one, but two, three or maybe even more lives. The reward you get from that is fantastic.

Siblings who cannot be separated are a lot harder to place. So you’ll also be helping out the most vulnerable children in the sector.

How will I cope?

One of the biggest concerns people have when they think about fostering siblings is how they will cope. The thought of taking on more than one child at the same time can be intimidating. However, you’re never alone. If approved as a siblings foster carer, you’ll receive extensive training before you start taking on placements. By the time you’re ready to start fostering you’ll have both the confidence and the skills needed. You’ll also be able to call a fully trained social worker 24 hours a day.

If you feel you could offer a home to brothers and sisters, contact us now. We’ll happily answer any additional questions you may have or help you kick start the applications process.

Find out if you could be a foster carer
Find out if you could be a foster carer
In a few simple questions, you’ll know if you’re suitable to apply to become a foster carer.