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Karma McElvanna – Behaviour Support Worker joins our fostering service

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Behaviour Support Worker

I joined Reach Out Care fostering service in August 2018. I have 3 years’ experience working with young people in a residential setting. Most recently I worked in Australia with young people who have experienced extreme traumas which displayed challenging behaviours, within this role I used Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) in order to manage and encourage positive behaviours.

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My role at Reach Out Care is to provide behaviour support for Children who require assistance around certain areas, such as:
– Creative arts as a therapeutic model
– Using Arts materials
– Stranger Danger
– Road Safety
– Relationships
– Restorative Justice and meetings
– Internet safety
– Emotional support and wellbeing-counselling qualification
– Independent living skills-budgeting, cookery, hygiene
– Anger Management
– Educational support
– Life story work
– Supporting activities and hobbies

In order to promote inclusion and provide a specialist advisory and support service to carers in relation to the management of behavioural difficulties and strategies to improve the management of feelings and behaviours, this would need to be discussed with your Supervising Social Workers who would then complete a referral form in order for me to contact the carers to discuss further.

Another important part of my role includes arranging and taking part in Participation events for children/young people and carers to enhance activity based fun and for all to feel part of Reach Out Care in order to form positive friendships and to promote the children and young people’s confidence and self-esteem.

I look forward to working with your all and thank you.

For more information about fostering click here

Find out if you could be a foster carer
Find out if you could be a foster carer
In a few simple questions, you’ll know if you’re suitable to apply to become a foster carer.