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Our commitment to equality and diversity

We value the importance of creating an inclusive and respectful culture, both within our internal teams and amongst our foster carer community across the UK.

We believe when a team celebrates and welcomes people from diverse backgrounds, genders, faiths, ethnicities, sexual orientations and abilities, we champion and encourage diversity and inclusion amongst others.

As a values-based company, we believe in standing up for what is right and as such would like to share the following message about what we do and how we will continue to live up to our values as they relate to diversity and inclusion.

 Defining Behaviours

In the National Fostering Group we value diversity and inclusion and our valued colleagues come from a highly diverse background.  Valuing Diversity is part of our values which defines how we behave, how we treat others and how we expect to be treated.

Be Inclusive

Our Equal Opportunities Policy and Strategy aims to raise awareness of discrimination at all levels.  It clearly explains how everyone is responsible for ensuring their behaviours and actions are in accordance with the policy.

Open & Honest

Everyone is accountable for ensuring that all discriminatory behaviour is eliminated.  We expect high standards and we are committed to conducting our business with honesty and integrity. We encourage open and honest communication and we want everyone to feel secure about raising concerns and as such we have a whistleblowing policy which explains and encourages people to raise any concerns they may have.

 Deliver Promises

We educate and equip carers and colleagues with the knowledge and tools to promote anti-racism and value diversity & inclusion.  All employees and carers (through our Skills to Foster programme) complete a mandatory Diversity and Inclusion training course

 Dream Big

Diversity in the Group is a variety of characteristics and we want to continue to develop different ways of thinking and working and as such last year we joined a government scheme, Disability Confident and are also working with Stonewall, an organisation which will help us create an LGBT inclusive environment:

Disability Confidence is a voluntary scheme, developed by employers and disabled people’s representatives, which will guide us on our journey to help us make the most of the opportunities provided by employing disabled people.

Stonewall can further support us on our journey.  They offer a broad range of programs, which will help us to learn best practice and take a strategic and structured approach to creating a more inclusive workplace.

One Team

Evidence of discriminatory behaviour will not be tolerated and will be dealt with swiftly and appropriately. We will continue to review and monitor our performance as an equality-focused organisation, as the country, national and global business communities’ move towards a fairer and equality-based approach.

We know that diversity as well as different perspectives and backgrounds will strengthen our ambition to deliver positive outcomes.  We share a belief in coming together to support each other and to take action to build incredible futures for the people we care for and educate; and for all our colleagues.  We are at our best when we are unified as One Team.

Committed to equality and diversity
Find out if you could be a foster carer
Find out if you could be a foster carer
In a few simple questions, you’ll know if you’re suitable to apply to become a foster carer.