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Managing Director Steve Christie has been featured on Birmingham TV

Wednesday 07 October 2020

Managing Director at the National Fostering Group, Steve Christie, has been featured on Birmingham TV talking about the rise in foster carer enquires since Covid 19 and the new Fast Track Assessment which has been launched in response to this, encouraging those who are seeking an alternate, rewarding career to consider fostering.

Start your fostering journey today

The Fast Track Application Programme aims to streamline the process for prospective foster carers and reduce the assessment time to 8 or 12 weeks from 28 weeks but with the same rigours checks in place. Designed for those who have lots of time each week to dedicate to the assessment process, the programme is about matching children with foster families to start making a difference to vulnerable children’s lives sooner.

Watch the interview, or read more on the Fast Track Application Process or fostering in Birmingham.

Find out if you could be a foster carer
Find out if you could be a foster carer
In a few simple questions, you’ll know if you’re suitable to apply to become a foster carer.