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Tuesday 10 July 2018
The Department for Education’s national fostering stocktake, announced a year ago, has survived the election and has now completed taking formal written
evidence from across the fostering sector. The stocktake is covering every conceivable angle of foster care, and is a fantastic opportunity to
dig deep and set out exactly what a successful, thriving foster care system would look like for foster carers and, most importantly, fostered children
and young people. The Fostering Network submission to the stocktake is over 10,000 words long with dozens of recommendations, including many which would ensure the respect, training, support and remuneration of
foster carers.
Fostering Network have met with the co-reviewers and will be adding further evidence through the summer. What is important is that the momentum
is maintained and that the minister prioritises this vital piece of work which will hopefully have long-lasting positive implications for fostering.