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Parent and Child Training

Saturday 02 February 2019

In April, our carers joined team manager Nicky, who delivered a specialist Parent and Child Training Course.

It was created to prepare foster carers to support a parent — usually a mother, occasionally a father or both — and their baby or young child.

Typically, these placements are decided by the court and last for around three months — although this can be longer.

And by giving parents a chance to show they can look after their little one — they can mean the difference between a child going into care or not.

Foster carers are vital during the assessment process, recording info which is relied on by social workers, local authorities and sometimes in court.

Start your fostering journey today

But beyond paperwork, meeting attendance and regular log-keeping, the carer’s role is hugely important from a parent and child viewpoint.

Promoting the importance of sound attachments with their child, they encourage parents to be involved in every aspect of day-to-day care.

Carers will give practical advice and guidance about child requirements but also be mindful of the parents’ own needs, particularly those of vulnerable individuals.

And of course, the ultimate reward for any carer is when the experience results in a child remaining in the care of their parent.

The National Fostering Group provide various free foster carer training courses and offer ongoing support throughout your fostering journey.

Find out if you could be a foster carer
Find out if you could be a foster carer
In a few simple questions, you’ll know if you’re suitable to apply to become a foster carer.