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Prevention of Radicalisation in Foster Care

Thursday 21 September 2017

In view of recent events currently in the news, one of our social workers has conducted some research into online training on Prevent for individuals working with young people and has helpfully identified an government run e-learning course that can be accessed for free.

Prevent is the government strategy for reducing the risks of young people becoming radicalised. The e-learning course can be accessed
by clicking the link below. It takes about 40 minutes to complete. The course is relevant for foster carers and social workers and others involved
in caring for young people.

Start your fostering journey today

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It will be a great help if you can set aside some time to complete this course.

Once you have done the course, you will be issued with a certificate. If you are an fp.c foster carers, can please save the certificate as a PDF and
send it to your fp.c social worker for inclusion in your training records.



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Find out if you could be a foster carer
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