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Sunday Times – Best Companies Workplace Engagement Survey

Thursday 24 March 2016

For the first time, the National Fostering Agency took the decision to become involved in the ‘Best Companies Survey’ published in the Sunday Times.

We are delighted to announce we have been awarded an accreditation score of 659 entitling us to ‘one to watch status’. The process involved our employees completing an electronic survey sent to them in November 2010 and the HR team completing an extensive Company background questionnaire.

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Based on this feedback, our organisations receive an index score determining their rating compared to a fixed standard.

Considering this is our first year of the NFA participating in the survey we are extremely pleased with the outcome.

Iain Anderson Chief Executive said ‘As this is NFA’s first time being involved with the ‘Best Companies’ programme, I am really proud that we have achieved this level of recognition’.

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Find out if you could be a foster carer
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