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With many losing their jobs as a result of the coronavirus crisis there is one role that is becoming increasingly popular – being a foster carer. The National Fostering Group received 3000 enquires from people in April this year an 84% increase on the same period last year. We believe the increase in applications has been driven by the extreme hardship endured by those in areas like hospitality who are now looking for more stable job opportunities.
Steve Christie – Managing Director of The National Fostering Group, Sarah and David McMillan – new applicants for foster care and Antony and Nathan – existing foster carers who have been fostering two siblings for 2.5 years, spoke to Victoria Derbyshire on 16th June 2020 about their experiences of fostering.
Thank you very much to Steve, Sarah & David and Antony and Nathan for their participation in this BBC feature and for helping to highlight the fantastic work that our foster carers do across the country.
Visit to find out more and start your fostering journey today.