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Top Ten Tips

Monday 04 December 2017

From our foster carers

1. Pick your battles – chose what issues you are going to deal with

2. Keep your sense of humour – vital!

3. It’s not a competition – you don’t need to compete with other foster carers

Start your fostering journey today

4. Don’t ever become complacent – keep on top of things

5. Tomorrow is a new beginning – even if today has been a challenge

6. It’s not personal – behaviour is not about you

7. Ask for help and advice – it will be there

8. Look after yourself

9. Get support if you need it

10. Attend practice meetings and training – it helps you to both learn and share with others.

Thanks to all foster carers who attended our Wickham practice meeting for their wise advice.

Find out if you could be a foster carer
Find out if you could be a foster carer
In a few simple questions, you’ll know if you’re suitable to apply to become a foster carer.