Find out if you could be a foster carer
In a few simple questions, you’ll know if you’re suitable to apply to become a foster carer.
As part of Foster Care Fortnight, we thought it would be useful to highlight the different types of foster care you can apply for. Many people have a set idea of what foster care involves. However, they often have no idea that there are actually many different types of care offered to vulnerable children and young people. Below you’ll discover more about the various types of foster carers required by Heath Farm.
Disability foster care
All children deserve the chance to reach their full potential in a loving, safe environment. Sadly however, those with learning and physical disabilities are often overlooked in the foster system.
Disability fostering is one of the most rewarding types of fostering you can partake in. You get to really make a difference, whether you end up fostering a disabled child long-term or as a short term placement. The website highlights how short break fostering gives usual foster carers or parents a chance to recharge and take a break, while a short-term carer steps in. So however much, or little time you might have, you’ll always be able to make a difference with disability foster care.
Sibling foster care
When siblings enter the foster care system, seven out of ten end up being separated. Heath Farm has recently carried out research which showed 47% of adults in Britain considered their siblings their closest ally. It’s been shown that keeping siblings together in foster placements significantly improves their experience, while tearing them apart can have a devastating effect on their mental health.
If you open up your home to siblings, you’ll not only be helping to keep their important bond intact, but you’ll also be rewarded with a stronger bond as a family.
Respite care
Another type of foster care many don’t consider is respite care. Everybody needs a break from time to time, including parents and foster carers. Becoming a respite carer means you’re helping both children and their parents or foster carers. This is a short-term care option, enabling you to meet and support a high level of foster children.
Respite care is a vital part of the foster system, ensuring a high level of care is provided at all times. You’ll be taking in placements for a day, weekend or maybe even a week or two, yet the positive effects this has on both the parents and the child is substantial.
These are just three different types of foster care you can choose to apply for. Maybe you know somebody who would make an excellent carer in one or more of these sectors? Or perhaps you’re already a long-standing carer with Heath Farm and you’d love to branch out and take on more varied placements? Full training and support is provided for each sector, ensuring you always have the skills and confidence when taking on vulnerable children and young people.
Contact us now to find out more about the different types of foster care you can apply for. Or take advantage of our Recommend a Friend scheme and tell us if there’s someone you know who would make an excellent carer.