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Vince’s story – “best thing that happened to me”

Thursday 18 July 2019

Foster care is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I’ve been living with Jennifer and Michael for a few years now and, thanks to them, I’ve learnt how to be a happy, responsible young man. But it wasn’t always easy.

Fostering was my decision

When I was 14, I left my mum to go into care. She’d always had a lot of difficulties and found it hard having to cope with looking after me. Ever since I was born, there’d been social workers trying to help us out. But it wasn’t working. When I reached school age I was quite disruptive because I didn’t see the point of it. So when I was 10, they moved me from regular school to a small educational support unit.

I loved my mum but knew I knew I had to leave. So when I was at a Children’s Hearing, I asked if I could live with a foster family. They said I could, but then I got worried. What if I didn’t like the people I ended up with?

I met Jennifer and Michael soon after. They lived in an area I knew, which was a big relief because I was scared of leaving everything behind.

The day I moved in, we got to know each other a little bit and Jennifer cooked us dinner. They realised I only had the clothes I was wearing so said we’d go shopping the next day. It felt strange sleeping in a new bed, but I got used to it quickly. We did go shopping the next day, Michael and me. That was the start of our relationship, and the start of an amazing friendship.

Start your fostering journey today

Michael has a great sense of humour. He really makes me laugh. The jokes he tells aren’t actually that funny, but he thinks they are! With Jennifer it’s different. She’s more stern about the household chores, which annoyed me at first. But I’m glad she was persistent, because those skills come in really handy now!

Encouraged to follow my dreams

With the help of my new foster family, I eventually came to realise that people weren’t out to get me. Teachers and social workers wanted to help, not make things harder. It didn’t happen overnight, but my behaviour settled down at the education unit, I stopped getting suspended, and my attendance rose to 100%. And the most impressive part? My teachers decided I could go back to mainstream education part time – something no other pupil had ever achieved!

Michael and Jennifer encouraged me to start thinking about what I wanted for my future, and with the help of my teachers, we came up with a career plan. I’d always wanted to join the army so secured a placement on a Kickstart Course.

After passing literacy and maths tests, as well as the British Army Recruit Battery test, I was ready to start Pre Army 1 Training. I was so excited to be starting and Michael and Jennifer said they couldn’t be more proud.

The army sergeant who ran the Pre Army 1 course was really inspiring and gave me lots of advice and support. He also gave me a glass trophy and a mountain bike when I finished the course because I’d been the top student that year. I celebrated with my foster family and we had yet more chats about what I wanted from life.

Ever since I moved in, Michael has always encouraged me to go for what I want and not settle for second best. Over time it really sank in and now I have the confidence to reject things that aren’t right for me. So when I was accepted into the army, I said no to the infantryman and cook roles they tried to sign me up to. I wanted to be an electrician, so I took a Communications Systems Operator role that would start me off in the right direction.

I’m due to start basic training soon, based in Harrogate with the Royal Corps of Signals. I’ll miss Michael and Jennifer when I’m away, but they’ve said I can spend all my home leaves at their house. It’s my home now. But I also look forward to putting money aside each month for my own place and my own transport. I never knew where I’d be staying when I was a child, so it’s important to me to get it right. I want the stability and security that I realised I deserved from living with Michael and Jennifer.

As I said, fostering has been the best thing that ever happened to me. I’ve had a pair of amazing role models to guide me. I’ve never been happier. I’d never had a man in my life to look up to until Michael. And Jennifer’s discipline has helped mould me into who I am today.

To Jennifer and Michael: I wouldn’t be where I am if it wasn’t for you. You gave me a future. Cheers!

Do you feel inspired?

If you believe you can make a difference by being a foster parent to young people like Vince, enquire now.

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