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Supervising Social Worker

Supporting the registered manager in the day to day running of Pathway Care South West. Working with foster carers, children and young people. Being part of a duty rota, day to day and out of hours. Matching children and young people referred to the agency with fostering placements. Recruitment & Assessment of potential foster carers, supporting and developing foster carers, monitoring placements, identifying and responding to foster carer practice and safeguarding issues, planning and facilitating support groups, multi-agency working in respect of children/young people.

I have worked with Pathway Care since May 2011. Before this I worked with the FIP project in Plymouth, supporting families on the edge of care, I also undertook supervising contacts and ran a support group for females who had had their children adopted. I also worked for an organisation where I supported adults with mental health issues doing 48 hour shifts. I also sit on panel, joint run a support group, joint run the children’s participation group and am part of the CSE forum.

I have met some amazing foster carers since working with Pathway Care and I look forward to meeting and working with more of you in the future.

“I LOVE working for Pathway Care because the young people we support are amazing and an inspiration. Our young people surprise us every day with their humour, fun, knowledge and their thirst for life. Our carers have to be described as the BEST, they do an incredible job every day, I take my hat off to them all.The team, well what can I say……….LOL the team is very supportive and we all care about each other and help each other out”

Find out if you could be a foster carer
Find out if you could be a foster carer
In a few simple questions, you’ll know if you’re suitable to apply to become a foster carer.