Find out if you could be a foster carer
In a few simple questions, you’ll know if you’re suitable to apply to become a foster carer.
Leonie’s mum and dad have been fostering since she was just two. It’s pretty much all she’s ever known. One of her earliest memories is of a young foster child coming into the room where Leonie was watching TV, sitting down on her lap and falling asleep. She’s since learned that many foster children feel uncomfortable with adults because of everything that’s happened to them, so birth children play a really important role in foster families. Having foster children became a way of life for Leonie, who estimates her family cared for around 70 children – some for just a few days, others for much longer. And while we may think that what Leonie, her parents and her sister do is amazing, for them fostering is just part of everyday life. In this podcast, Leonie shares the steps they take to make foster children feel welcome and part of the family and explains what she says to people who have negative views about fostering. She’s a great ambassador for fostering and it’s no surprise that she says she plans to foster one day. In the meantime, she’s chosen a career that will perfectly suit her calm, unflappable demeanour.