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Alliance’s Summer Of Fun

Saturday 02 February 2019

In summer we held a series of new weekly clubs for young people, to give chances to learn new skills and encourage some healthy competition.

Designed and led by our support workers, Nicola and Will, the popular August events included:

Crafty fashion day


Create a brand-new outfit using old clothes and your imagination — that’s the challenge the young people were set.

From adding pockets and embellishments to dresses, to creating bags and accessories — the creativity displayed was impressive.

And so was the way everyone worked, both individually and in groups, thinking outside the box with amazing results.

Of course there had to be a fashion show, where the creations were shared on the day with staff and foster carers.

Obstacle challenge


An exercise in teamwork, agility, balance and strength — this event proved popular but was tricky in places.

Our young people had to work together in groups to support each other through a series of obstacles.

A definite favourite was the slip-n-slide, which certainly lived up to its name with many of the children.

Sports day


A favourite of the year for staff, carers and young people, this event featured both traditional and more unusual challenges.

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With contests including sponge volleyball, crab walking, sack races, welly throwing and horse-racing, teamwork was important.

Everyone worked well together, encouraging their fellow competitors — and just a few points separated the teams going into the final event.

Prizes awarded included certificates for the final winners, plus recognition of the most stylish and most entertaining team.

Pamper day


The second time we’d done this — and just as much fun as the last one for everyone who came along.

As well as having their hair and makeup done, plus nails painted and decorated, guests had the chance to make their own face masks.

We also welcomed a henna artist whose beautiful designs on people’s hands proved very popular with the group.

August Summer fete

The 11th of August marked an exciting first for Alliance — our very own Summer Fete, planned and organised by the team.

A day of glorious sunshine saw young people having fun together and enjoying a wide range of activities.

There was a coconut shy, stocks, face painting and bouncy castle, plus most popular — the ‘Wickidizer’ — a giant inflatable obstacle course.

A selection of barbecue favourites went down well but everyone left room to round off the day with delicious ice-cream with sauce and sprinkles.

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