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Be My Rock!

Tuesday 13 February 2018

Welcome to #BeMyRock!

We, at the National Fostering Agency, have noticed that there’s a new craze taking the streets by storm, and that’s the painting and hiding of pebbles and rocks for others to discover. How wonderful is that?!

We believe that finding fantastic foster carers is a little like hunting for treasure. And careful nurturing of the outstanding children coming into our care is, ultimately, what will help them shine.

The UK currently has thousands of children who desperately need someone to BE THEIR ROCK.

By painting, tagging with #BeMyRock, photographing & sharing, hiding & seeking (and sharing in this group, and so on!) rocks and stones with #BeMyRock on the back, you will be helping to raise awareness of the need there is to find reliable ‘rocks’ for foster children.

Start your fostering journey today

There’s no fixed list or way to decorate stones, and you certainly don’t need to be a trained artist to join in the fun!

– a bit of time, and maybe some friends to paint with;
– a PEBBLE or two (please be responsible when unearthing pebbles, and please don’t strip the beaches!). Pebbles and stones can be bought from garden centres at relatively low cost;
– some acrylic PAINTS and permanent PENS (old nail varnish can also work well);
– BRUSHES and jars of WATER. If you are going to do fine detail, then get some teeny-tiny brushes. The fine-tip ‘Sharpie’ type pens are great for writing little messages and adding the #BeMyRock tag*;
– boat or spray-on weather-proofing VARNISH (pound shops sell this);
– a cup of tea and a PHONE to upload a picture of your stones before you let your painted treasures loose. It is wonderful to see them changing hands, and travelling far and wide;
– a good place to release them. This could be anywhere! Not too hidden away gives your rock a better chance of being found. The school-run routes are good choices, as are some of the parks and venues gradually becoming known as #BeMyRock spots;
– add the name of the place and town to your stone’s comment when posting on our group, and then you can search to see if it’s found.

*please remember that children love painting and finding stones, so please don’t put anything inappropriate or offensive on them.

– take a PHOTO and upload it to this group, commenting with the place and town where found so that the originator can see how it’s doing
– choose whether to take your TREASURE home, GIFT it to someone special or RE-HIDE for someone else to enjoy finding.

Create, hide and leave to chance who discovers your stone, or gift it to someone who’s been a ‘rock’ to you. Either way, you’ll be making someone smile

Thank-you for wanting to be part of our search. Have fun!

Find out if you could be a foster carer
Find out if you could be a foster carer
In a few simple questions, you’ll know if you’re suitable to apply to become a foster carer.