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Children’s Council members have their say

Friday 23 February 2018

Earlier this month a group of young people who are part of the core over 12 members of the Children’s Council met up. Over pizza we asked them “what are
the qualities of the best foster carers?” After reaching a consensus on what they wanted to say, they painted this amazing canvas with the attributes
they had chosen.

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We think they did a brilliant job and we are going to use what they told us when we recruit new foster carers and to tell the foster carers we train what
young people need from them.

Thank you to the young people who came along and gave us their time and their views and to the foster carers who made it possible for them to attend. It
was a joy to spend time in their company.

If any of the young people you care for would like to get involved in the Children’s Council or in contributing poetry, reviews and photos for the children’s
newsletter, or if you would like to celebrate the achievements of the children you care for then please let us know. You can email [email protected]




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