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Foster Carers in Newcastle: Jane and Michael Jones

Thursday 24 March 2016

GH came to Jane and Michael with significant behavioural difficulties including being unable to manage her physical aggression, particularly towards her mentors. Both Jane and Michael were consistent in their view that they were unable to care for GH long term and that an alternative placement would be needed.

After a relatively difficult year, Jane and Michael’s persistence and determination started to positively influence GH’s behaviour. Their continued support allowed GH to mix with her peers without the use of physical aggression to manage her emotions, something that GH that previously found extremely difficult.

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A recent holiday with GH enabled Jane and Michael to reflect on the progress GH had made in their foster care over the last 12 months. This led to Jane and Michael to discuss their ability to offer GH a long term placement in their home in Newcastle. With the encouragement of their Supervising Social Worker and the child’s Social Worker, Jane and Michael were able to recognise the benefits for GH of a long term placement, particularly in terms of the contribution to GH’s sense of stability.

GH is now actively engaged in a number of local clubs and activities, and has recently spent her first organised weekend away! These activities have helped deliver marked improvement in her social development. She is making positive progress at the local swimming club and has started to build relationships with her peers in the local area. These skills are a direct reflection of Jane and Michael’s commitment and development as foster carers.

NFA has no doubt that Jane and Michael will continue with the progress they have made, both in terms of their development as foster carers and with GH and her growth into adolescence.

Find out if you could be a foster carer
Find out if you could be a foster carer
In a few simple questions, you’ll know if you’re suitable to apply to become a foster carer.